So as I said the other day I started a new round of the 21 Day Fix (YAY!) So my thought was I should lay out what a whole day of eating looks like on this program. I seriously feel like I eat MORE when I'm doing this program than I normally would. So that fear you have that you think you'll be starving on this program, go ahead and throw that out the nearest window and let's get this party going!!
8:00am: I wake up and go check on Ryken (who slept until 10am this morning! WHOO!) I have a glass of water immediately and start my Kuerig up because Mama needs her coffee! I then proceed to pop into my challenge groups I have going to check in and check my emails for school and whatnot and figure out which tasks I need to tackle for the day
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Breakfast Shakeology |
10:00am: The little monster arises! haha get him a bottle and set up my handy dandy Hamilton Blender to get my Shakeology started. My ABSOLUTE favorite recipe is my vegan chocolate with a tsp of PB2. Today I threw in a green container of spinach because I had an extra veggie container unaccounted for when I drew up my menu plan for the week.
I spend the next few hours chasing Ryken around, who despite getting a MILLION AND A HALF toys for his birthday still insists that his favorite is the dog's water bowl. Oh this boy of mine. I then attempted to fold laundry which was a complete joke because Ryken took that as an invitation to unfold every single item. But I'm getting off track.
12:00pm: This is probably my favorite snack of the day. I grab my greek yogurt (red container for those of us keeping count), strawberries (purple) and mix all that yummy goodness up. (I normally would have added some honey into it but I'm trying to be good for these next three weeks!)
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21 Day Fix Snack |
I then decided to try to sit down and work on some homework since I've been seriously slacking in that department while Ryken took a nap. I also did a little coaching work (probably more than actual homework because funny thing, I enjoy that more than homework!) I also started dinner in the crock pot!
2:30pm: I finally dragged Adam out of bed so he could entertain Ryken for a while so I could make myself some lunch! Which was a sweet potato (yellow container) with cinnamon sprinkled over it, Brussels Sprouts & Onions (divided a green container) and a can of tuna fish (red) with balsamic vinegar (orange) drizzled over it! Honestly, this was too much food so I didn't even finish it all but it was super yummy!
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21 Day Fix Lunch |
3:10pm: I left the house to go pick up the little boy that I pick up from school and get back right in time for Adam to head off to work for the night (sad face)
5:00pm: Snack time! I voted for some kale chips! I went the lazy route at the grocery store and bought the kale already pulled off the stalk in the little containers. I dumped some of that on a baking sheet drizzled EEVO (tsp) over it and sprinkled some garlic powder and sea salt on top and baked for about 10 minutes at 300 degrees! Seriously guys, they taste like french fries!
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21 Day Fix Snack |
I spend the next couple of hours again, pulling Ryken out of the dog's water bowl, attempting to pick up the house a tad bit, chase the dog back into the house after he escapes. Hunt down the one year old because he's managed to crawl himself into a random room and I can't find him for at least 5 minutes which to a one year old is like 5 hours. MOVING ON!
7:00pm: Dinner time!! Like I said above I went with a crock pot meal tonight! Pork Carnitas! SO good! I really didn't think I'd get to thoroughly enjoy them as much as I wanted because I thought I wouldn't get to eat as much as I wanted but I couldn't even finish what I was "allowed"! The recipe for this is on my facebook page at This meal allotted for 1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, and 1 blue container!
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21 Day Fix Dinner |
Now I bet you're wondering while I was doing all this eating and chasing my child and dog around when did I get my workout in?! That would be about half an hour ago after I finally got my wild child down for the night! Hey, mama's gotta do what mama's gotta do! At least I made no excuses and got it in when I would have MUCH rather laid my tired booty in bed and watch some tv!!
But there you have it! As you can see this program is pretty much the shizz because not only are the workouts ONLY 30 minutes every day, BUT you get to EAT ALL THIS FOOD!! And still get FANTASTIC results. I know, I didn't believe it at first either, but when I dropped 6 pounds the first time I did it I became a believer!! Interested in joining into my next challenge group!? Fill out the application below and we will chat!!!
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Pilates Fix |
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