About Me

My story starts almost two years ago. Two years ago I was in really good shape, fantastic shape. I LIVED in the gym, I was there at least two hours every.single.day. Then I moved to Minnesota and I discovered alcohol, beer to be more specific. Soon what was a good routine of going to the gym every day turned into drinking beers after work every.single.day. Of course horrible eating habits form so add that onto to THOUSANDS of bad calories I was consuming. So let's recap, beer fridge constantly stocked, bar drinking every weekend, and then shamelessly indulging in a WHOLE BUNCH of McDonalds at the end of all of it. 

Before Beachbody

It was about March of last year, when I stepped on the scale and it tipped to 135. I'm only 5 foot NOTHING. 135 was not an acceptable number, I needed to change. I rejoined a local gym and tried my hardest to get back into my previous routine. However, little to my knowledge at the time, I was already 6 weeks pregnant. I tried getting my workouts back on track, especially after finding out I was pregnant, but with the RIDICULOUS morning sickness I just couldn't do it. I had no one telling me to get up and do it so I didn't. After having my son unexpectedly premature due to preeclampsia I left the hospital at 175. I fell into a hole, my brand new baby was in the NICU and I was the HEAVIEST I had ever been I had no idea what to do and how to start.

Since I was spending mostly ALL my time up at the hospital the last thing on my mind was finding two hours to go to the gym every day. I was introduced to beach body in January. I started the Chalean Extreme and really liked it but I wasn't being held accountable because I didn't join a challenge group so I would do it here and there and that was about it. And then, the 21 Day Fix was released and I hopped right on that train, I joined a challenge group and started drinking Shakeology like it was going out of style. After those 21 days were over I looked in the mirror and saw someone I hadn't seen since my Drill Team days in high school. I was SHOCKED. I was made a believer and I now know with motivation, determination, and someone right behind you believing in you it is possible to be CONFIDENT again!!! I have NEVER been confident, but I learned that it is achievable! I became a Beachbody Coach because I one hundred percent believe in these products! I am so excited to make this a life long pursuit to spread the word of the programs, Shakeology and the Challenge Groups!

21 Day Fix Results

Right before I got Pregnant and Today

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