Saturday, September 6, 2014

My PiYo Journey

Piyo, beachbody, 60 day program, 21 day fix, challenge groups, coaching, get skinny, healthy, healthy life, Lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, My fitness story, team work,
PiYo Journey

Well folks, I did it! I completed Days 1-60 of my PiYo journey!! What are my thoughts? I'm in love. Like for real. I enjoyed this program SO much! It's probably because there were no crazy "high knees" or "jumping jacks" or anything super cardio demanding. If you know me, you know I have a love/hate relationship with cardio. But I'm getting off topic!

I totally went into this program thinking I wasn't going to lose much weight but I was going to gain flexibility which was fine with me. I knew my GO TO program to lose the weight I needed was my 21 Day Fix. But guys, the muscle definition I gained with PiYo is RIDICULOUS! I have muscles popping out of places I didn't know know were capable of popping out! My legs are ROCK solid and my arms, oh my arms; and my back! I look like I've been lifting weights for the past two months and I haven't picked up a single dumbbell since June! Wanna see?

transformation, before and after pictures, Piyo, beachbody, 60 day program, 21 day fix, challenge groups, coaching, get skinny, healthy, healthy life, Lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, My fitness story, team work,
PiYo Transformation
transformation, before and after pictures, Piyo, beachbody, 60 day program, 21 day fix, challenge groups, coaching, get skinny, healthy, healthy life, Lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, My fitness story, team work,
PiYo Transformation

Proud! That is what I am. I worked hard for these muscles and I plan on KEEPING them!! So the program is laid out for 60 days. The first 30 days are focused on going slower to make sure you are getting the moves down correctly and then the following 30 days is when the pace really picks up. No joke, I think I sweat more in these workouts than I have in any other workout I've ever done. PiYo isn't kidding around!

Somethings I gained along the way: I can now do six FULL OUT on my hands and toes push ups (I started not being able to do ONE) and I can do two triceps push ups (which doesn't seem like much but up until now my upper body was WEAKSAUCE), I can do a set of fifteen burpees without wanting to die or have my back break in two, I can hold a plank for two minutes, and I gained SO much more flexibility! 

transformation, before and after pictures, Piyo, beachbody, 60 day program, 21 day fix, challenge groups, coaching, get skinny, healthy, healthy life, Lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, My fitness story, team work,
More Flexibility with PiYo

There is meal planning and portioning involved with this program, just like the 21 Day Fix. I didn't stick TOO closely with my portion sizes so I didn't get the ultimate results I probably could have but I am NOT complaining! Overall, I lost 16 inches which is something to be darn PROUD of! I did make sure to have ALWAYS get in my Shakeology in the morning so I know that played a VERY important role in fueling my body the way it needed to be! 
transformation, before and after pictures, Piyo, beachbody, 60 day program, 21 day fix, challenge groups, coaching, get skinny, healthy, healthy life, Lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, My fitness story, team work,
PiYo Transformation
shakeology, transformation, before and after pictures, Piyo, beachbody, 60 day program, 21 day fix, challenge groups, coaching, get skinny, healthy, healthy life, Lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, My fitness story, team work,
Breakfast or Lunch

In the end I loved this program. I seriously have already recommended it to SO many people. It literally works and strengthens every single aspect of your body SO MUCH CORE! I will be doing this again, many times over. I'm actually considering doing a hybrid workout schedule with the 21 Day Fix and PiYo soon!! I of course will be sharing my before and after pictures when the time comes!!

You can do anything you set your mind to! So get to setting!! :)

transformation, before and after pictures, Piyo, beachbody, 60 day program, 21 day fix, challenge groups, coaching, get skinny, healthy, healthy life, Lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, My fitness story, team work,
PiYo Journey

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