Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Was Pretty Sweet (Part 2)

So in hindsight, that last post was a little lengthy with all the pictures so I'm going to go another route with this one and make collages out of all the pictures that are corresponding to the month! This is will help a lot I think because this last part of the year gets crazy!!! So lets finish up!

July 2014

This was a BIG month! BIGGER than my birthday month! SO starting on the 2nd I decided I was going to be take the plunge and become a BEACHBODY COACH!! I have a whole video on my YouTube channel dedicated to WHY I made this decision so check it out here! But seriously one of the best decisions of my life. Am I a millionaire? No yet! HA! But I am making enough money to say its completely worth it, I can help support my family and pay my own bills all while I get to stay home with my kiddo; how cool is that?! Um, and plus I'm in THE best shape of my entire life. Anyway, moving on Ryken turned 10 months and celebrated his first 4th of July. We decided it was probably best not to scare the beegus out of him and take him out to watch the fireworks later with us but we had a nice little family brunch and hung out. On the 7th Adam and I celebrated 2 years since he decided I was worthy enough to be called his girlfriend :) Or was it that I decided I could put up with him? haha Either way 2 years is a big deal! Later on in the month Adam was in one of his best friend's wedding up in Minnesota so we flew up there for the weekend and I got to see my bestest friend in the entire world and go to one of the most beautiful weddings I had ever been to with a simply stunning couple. OH! Also, we closed on our house!! We wouldn't move in until the second weekend in August but the paper work was signed in July!

August 2014

Moving month!!! So like I said above we signed the papers on our house in July but we moved in the second weekend of August. So lots of unpacking BUT most fun of all was the pool in our back yard! Ryken got to go swimming all the time! Ryken also got to have his first zoo experience this month and was only slightly bored the entire time haha we will try again when he gets older! August was also the month of my first SELF RUN challenge group!! I started gaining a lot of speed with my business and starting taking control of it and building it up! Adam also started his the job he works out now, Romark Logistics, this month and he LOVES it. He started training this month so he was working days, we wouldn't get hit with the night hours for another month or two. Ryken also turned 11 months! EEK! August 26th was also National Dog Day so I had to give a shout out to my first baby, Tazer!

September 2014

Oh my goodness September, my baby turned ONE in September! He weighed in on his birthday 17.2 lbs and by his birthday party the next week he was 18.3lbs! On his actual birthday Adam and I took him to the aquarium at fair park where he got to see all the fish! Later on we went over to my mom's house and let him do his first smash cake experience which was so funny! Green icing everywhere! For his birthday party some of the best friends around drove in all the way from Minnesota to hang out with us and the little guy! Adam's dad came and stayed a few nights and my brother came in for the party We took them to the stockyards to experience a little southern class. Ryken's birthday party theme was of course the Dallas Cowboys so I had a little jersey smash cake made for him and a little cowboy jersey onesie made with 01 and his name on the back. (Both the ladies that I used to make these things were AMAZING if any of y'all need someone to do any embroidering or need cakes let me know and I will give you their contact info!!) SUPER CUTE!!! But it the party was a GREAT turn out, Ryken is incredibly spoiled and LOVED by so many of y'all! I also decided this month that it was time to stop staring  at these horrible peach walls and I painted Ryken's room all by myself! I also started back to school this month for the first time in 3 years! I am officially a online UTA student!

October 2014

Oh Ocotober, this month I not only went up to Minnesota ONCE for a wedding of one of my absolute favorite friends but TWICE so that I could spend my best friend's birthday with her! Lindsey and Chad's wedding was beautiful and she looked gorgeous as always! My second trip was very spur of the moment but I just missed Amanda so bad! I also celebrated one of my other favorite friend, Nikki's, birthday! A group of us all went to Painting With a Twist and guzzled some wine while we pretended we knew what we were doing (Oh, that was just me? Moving on!) This was also a HUGE month for my business I not only got my first "promotion" to EMERALD but I also earned my FREE ticket to Summit next July. Summit is a really awesome trip that beachbody puts on that is packed full of training, and celebrity workouts and just getting to meet everyone you spend so much time talking with and getting to know in person! I am SO excited!!! And of course there's Halloween, Adam got off training this month which meant his shifts started becoming night shifts so we were on our own for Halloween. I decided to dress Ryken up like Ace Ventura and he was pretty much the coolest things since sliced bread. I finally had an excuse to put him in a tutu without his father killing me!! 

November 2014

I feel like November was seriously like two seconds ago! Yet another jam packed month! First off we had Ryken was invited to his first birthday party and they had a petting zoo and he just fell in love with the donkey! And yes, that is a chicken hanging out on that donkey's back. I also decided to try out the 3 Day Refresh this month and was VERY pleasantly surprised with my results! 3.5 lbs gone in THREE DAYS! If you want the full scoop on this go here! Thanks to Beachbody and my business I was able to go crazy on buying all kinds of Christmas decorations for our new house! November 19th was also National Prematurity Day so of course I had to give my little miracle Ninja a shout out! We celebrated our first Thanksgiving in Texas with the family and I actually cooked so much for the first time ever and people actually ate it! November 25th was not only Tazer's 2nd birthday but also the 5th year anniversary of my sweet Parli going up to puppy heaven. And finally on November 29th that stud down there on the left turned the big 2-7!!! He had to work on his birthday but we went out for lunch as his favorite place, Spring Creek. 

December 2014

AND FINALLY FOLKS, we have December!!! First things first, I kicked school's (specifically Statistics) BOOTY!!!! All A's baby!! Adam and I also (finally) found our wedding venue and picked our date! April 23, 2016!! We got to take a little family outing to the Mansfield Hometown Christmas Parade which Ryken was in complete awe the entire time! We also had pasta night, Ryken loves him some pasta and Mama does NOT enjoy cleaning him. If it wasn't so cold I would have just dipped him in the pool! For an early Christmas present my mom got Me and Corey ***COWBOYS TICKETS*** for the game they played the colts so I brought Adam along and Corey brought his friend Kirk. We dominated and Corey wanted to crawl in a corner after watching his Colts get stomped on! But I loved every single second of it! My best friend in the whole entire world came home for Christmas so I got to see her and it just made my little heart smile SO big!!! And finally Christmas...where my child was spoiled beyond belief. Funny thing is he did not seem to care in the least about all the presents he got but instead was completely enthralled with the tissue and wrapping paper, looks like I'll be saving a lot of money next year!! Adam had to work Christmas Eve so Ryken and I stayed at my mom's house for the night and Adam met us there in the morning when he got off. So we did presents there and then went over to my aunts for the family dinner and then came back to the house to have another family adventure with Adam's mom, step dad, and brother. JAMMED PACKED DAY! As much as I love the holidays I'm kind of glad to see them go so we have a bit of room to breathe again!! 

All in all 2014 was pretty much an awesome, amazing year full of twists and turns and smiles and tears! We moved across the country, Adam went through a few jobs, we moved into our new home (with a pool!), I started my own business, I went back to school, I got to see my brother after years of not seeing him, I got to see my best friend a lot more than I expected. 2014, you were good to us, so 2015 BRING IT!!

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