Make this Year the BEST! |
I sat here earlier in just a bit of shock that its already 2 weeks into 2015. I mean Valentine's Day is literally a month from today. Why does it seem like the time is just FLYING by?! I have some really big goals for myself this year and I am so excited to get them set in action.
It's now been 6 months since I took the plunge and decided to become a Beachbody coach. I started this journey not having ANY idea what I was going to do with it. All I knew was I wanted to be able to have my discount and drink my Shakeology I was so desperately missing. It was in the back of my mind that I could possibly make this an awesome career for myself, but I didn't want to get too invested in that idea because I didn't want to become upset if it didn't happen but I did want to try at the same time. So I signed up got my PiYo and joined my little Fit Fighters family not really knowing what to expect. Little did I know that in those six months of staying dedicated and not allowing myself to give up I have managed to help people gain their self confidence back, pay my own bills, stay at home with Ryken, and get into the best shape of my life, oh and the free swag isn't all that bad either! So let's break down those little tid bits, point by point. Hold on to your hats ladies and gents, your mind is about to be blown!
1. I get to help people.
Raise your hand if you have ever stared at yourself in the mirror and wanted to cry (insert little girl with her hand raised emoji here). I had bottomed out at ZERO self confidence after struggling with it pretty much my entire life. I just kind of accepted this is just how life was going to be. WRONG! Oh how wrong I so was. I learned that with a hard work, determination, support, and motivation it is possible to have your self confidence back. That is what I believe I was put here to do, to show people, to help them overcome their bad outlooks of themselves. Since I've started I have been helping people each and every month with my coaching and challenge groups. The messages, texts, phone calls, that I get of people thanking me and telling me their progress and how others are starting to notice their progress. It seriously makes my heart burst. Even if I quit right this second (which hello why would I?!) I would be so proud of the people's lives I had changed up to this point.
2. I get to stay home with Ryken and pay my own bills.
This one was actually a nice surprise. I did not expect this to become something big enough that I could sit here and proudly proclaim I am being independent (well to an extent). When I got pregnant I was not interested in putting my baby in daycare. No offense to ANYONE that has their babies in daycare I understand that sometimes you have to do what you have to do. But for me I didn't make enough money at the job I had to afford anything else after I would be paying for daycare. I literally would have been working to pay for daycare and to me that just didn't make any sense. Even more so, when Ryken was born almost 3 month premature I DEFINITELY did not want him to go to daycare and end up getting sick or something (I mean the poor child was only 4.5lbs when he came home from the NICU so no, no thank you to the daycare thing). So for about 9 months I was living off the money I had to cleverly been saving out of each paycheck from when I was working but it was running low so Adam and I started trying to figure out how to budget in my car payment, insurance, credit card, etc into the bills he was already playing. Things were going to be tight but we were going to be able to do it. But low and behold, a few months into this Beachbody game I actually started making some decent money, enough that Adam never once has had to pay for any of the above mentioned bills and I still get to stay home with my baby toddler (seriously, when did he get big?!)
3. My job is to be in the best shape of my life.
As you can read on my very first post, I was NOT living a
healthy lifestyle before I got pregnant and it DEFINITELY showed. So when I
found out I was pregnant I was already tipping the scale at my heaviest at
around 130 and over the course of my pregnancy and preeclampsia and all the
extra weight I gained in the hospital I broke my record weighing in at 177. Of
course about 20-30lbs of that was water weight that fell off over a few weeks
but after that I was left having to figure out how to get the rest off. Um, brutal. So needless to say when I signed up I had gotten down to around 125ish just with breast feeding and 1 round of the 21 Day Fix a few months prior, but I was NOT eating healthy by any stretch of the imagination. I signed up got my PiYo and joined a challenge group with my coach. I started changing my eating habits, drinking my Shakeology, working out every single day; changing my lifestyle. Obviously if I was going to be talking to other people about changing their lifestyles and leading these challenge groups I needed to be practicing what I preached!! Plus I was surrounded by all these AMAZING people that are the team with me who were up doing their workouts, posting pictures of their healthy snacks all day, and just being crazy uplifting in our team group of Facebook so it made me want to do it too! Our little team group page is pretty much, in my mind, a coach challenge group. It keeps the motivation alive! Then, low and behold, six months later I'm down to 112 (which I'm pretty sure is less than my HIGH SCHOOL DRILL TEAM WEIGHT) and I feel SO much better because of the food choices I make and because I'm drinking my beloved Shakeology. I can actually keep up with my CRAZY 16 month old wild child and still get my Insanity Max workout in! If it wasn't for me stumbling across this opportunity I wouldn't be where I am today and I'm so proud of my accomplishments.
Last but not least....
4. I get free swag!
Okay, so while I don't have to pay for ANY of it, most of it I have earned by working hard and just being awesome haha but more by just working hard. Here are a list of the things I've received as a "job well done"
- 4 workout tanks/tshirts
- workout equipment like stability ball and agility ladder
- personal development book
- FREE ticket to Summit this year in Nashville
- workout headband
- potentially a FREE cruise next year for Adam and I if I keep up the good work
I mean obviously its not all about the free stuff you can get but just knowing that you are a part of a company who really truly cares for your success is remarkable. I have had plenty of jobs over the years and I have never felt more appreciated than I do with Beachbody.
What does it take to make you happy?! |
So, with that said, I wanted to let you all know that YOU can be in on this too! Best news is you can put in AS MUCH TIME AS YOU WANT! You want to be a part time coach thats cool, you want to go all in and MAKE THIS YOUR CAREER perfect! Below is a little video that will explain a little bit of the options when it comes to signing up to be a part of my team!
I will be opening a new coach training group NEXT MONDAY JANUARY 19th, I have 5 spots available so if you think this is something you could do fill out the application below and we can get to chatting about how to make serious changes in your life!
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