Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Was Pretty Sweet (Part 1)

My Little Family

Well folks, its the last day of 2014 and what an exciting, overwhelming year it was!!! This blog post is going to be a little different in terms of topics but I just wanted a place to document my year to look back on without clogging up your Facebook walls, (you're welcome!) So lets get this bad boy started shall we?!

January 2014

Adam and I were still in Texas from Christmas when we rang in the new year with some friends at Sherlocks Pub. Little did I know that the next day, after fighting ALL DAY over an outfit I was just not interested in wearing, that amazing man would be taking me to dinner at a steakhouse in Mansfield and popping the question! To which I replied a definite no since he wouldn't let me wear what I wanted! I kid, I kid. I of course said yes, and barely remember the entire thing because I was so stunned. Good news, Adam has a memory to rival that of an elephant's and he can recount the details a lot easier than me!

He asked, I said yes!
So in terms of Ryken I wish I would have done a better job of tracking how much he weighed each month but in my sleep deprevation I didn't. I do know that in January he turned 4 months old and was finally starting to fit into some newborn clothes!...OH side note, just found a post on Jan 22nd that said he was at 8.5 lbs!

Baby Wearing

February 2014

Oh February, you were NOT so kind. We were in Minnesota which should have been renamed to the arctic last year! We had a ridiculous amount of snow that just kept piling up. This was also the month were the young lady that decided to take a bunch of pain pills and speed down the ice covered roads and run a red light causing her to ricochet off another car into mine! YAY! Anyway here's a picture of the snow.


Ryken turned 5 months in February and it was also his first Valentines day, that little lady killer.

First Valentine's Day

March 2014

Oh St. Patty's Day, in 2013 this would have gone down as the last drinking extravaganza for me because I was soon going to find out I was preggo!! Anyway, it finally started warming up in March! 35 degrees feels like 90 when you've been living in the -30s for the past three months!

Shorts Weather

Happy St. Patty's Day

Ryken turned the BIG SIX months and again I have no idea what he weighed because I'm a bad mom! According to a post on Instagram he was starting to grow out of his newborn clothes!

This Might Have Been A Girl's Shirt

What The Hay?!

That last picture up there really has zero significance other than the fact that its hilarious, I mean look at that face! (His, not mine!)

April 2014

We moved to Texas!!! Sunshine and shorts weather! It was fantastic! We moved into my mom's house to give Adam some time to find a new job and then to find a house of our own. It was super sad having to leave all my friends I had made in Minnesota and of course my best friend but this southern girl could just not handle the snow anymore! Adam and I got to go on a little date night for the first time in a long time! And our little family attending the Hardin Wedding in Canton after visiting with one of my best friends Sarah in Henderson to see her new home!

Date Night
Hardin Wedding

In Ryken news, April 10th was National Sibling Day of course I had to get a picture of how much Big Fur Brother loves his little bro! Ryken tuned seven months in April and you guessed it, I have no idea how much he weighed
Brother Love

May 2014

So as I'm going through all my posts from May apparently this was a CRAZY exciting month! I celebrated my first Mother's Day, Ryken had his first taste of big people food (avocado), he turned 8 months old and waaaaaaait for it...I HAVE A WEIGH IN!!! At 8 months old this crazy little man weighed 13.5lbs! Also, if I recall correctly this is the month that Adam found a job working at Lonestar Restaurant Supply, which was his favorite!  :)

First Taste of Avocado

First Mother's Day

I Love My Boys

June 2014

June seemed to be a JAMMED pack full month as well!! So many exciting things happening! Adam celebrated his first Father's Day, one of my best friends I mentioned above, Sarah, got hitched! Ryken explored other options of food and discovered he had a taste for eggs. Ryken also got to go swimming for the first time and absolutely loved it!! MOST important however was my birthday! I turned the big 2-6 on the 21st. We spent the first part of the day taking family pictures (One of them is at the top of this very long post) and then I spent the rest of the day with my family and out with a couple of friends that night. Ryken turned nine months and I've love to tell his stats but I have no idea :) Seeing a trend here?? Oh well, photo dump time!

First Father's Day

First Time Swimming

Sarah Got Married!


Okay so originally I thought I would bust out the entire year in this post but this has gotten entirely too long already and we are only halfway through the year! Not to mention I've been working on it for two hours now and there is a screaming baby I need to go attend to in the other room!! SO tomorrow I will be back for the latter half of the year and TRUST ME this is when things start getting REAL exciting!!! Be sure to come back and check it out!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Insanity Max:30 Week 1 & 2

Insanity Max 30, 60 day program, beachbody, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, my fitness story, new years resolutions
Shaun T's at it AGAIN!

Oh yes sir he is back and with a VENGEANCE! Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. To be quite honest with y'all I don't know much about the original Insanity mostly because the very idea of it made me pee my pants a little in terror. 

To me the Insanity program was always the top of the line program I was striving to one day achieve. All I knew were the workouts were an hour long and A LOT of cardio. Cardio is NOT my jam. I can bust out a 5k after months of preparation and that's about the extent of that, so Insanity was a far off goal. But a lovely perk of being a beachbody coach is you are immersed in a world of no excuses, go-getters, and every single one of them were hyped up on this new Shaun T bandwagon about to return to town so I decided why the heck not?! This one was only 30 minutes 5 times a week PLUS there was a modifier! I bought my program and I.WAS.STOKED.

I patiently waited the arrived of my new god from the mailman and about a week before Christmas it arrived! I set to work making my meal plan (which I LOVE that this program also follows the 21 day fix containers), hung up my workout calendar in my new home gym my lovely fiance put together for me and got ready for my first day of workout on Monday the 15th.

Insanity Max 30, 60 day program, beachbody, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, my fitness story, new years resolutions
And Dead

I remember sliding that DVD into my player and walking back in the house and asking Adam; "Do you think I should just do the modifier or should I try the full out moves?" (There is the fancy little option of keeping the modifier on the screen the entire time on the main menu of the DVD) His reply was that I was in pretty decent shape so he didn't see why I couldn't do the full moves. HA! I was 3 minutes into the WARM UP and I was done, completely spent. You win Shaun T, you win. So needless to say I stuck with the modifier the rest of the week and I can promise you you will STILL get a VERY hard workout by doing that!

I did document my weekly reviews of the workouts on my YouTube channel, here is Day 1. If you are ever so interested in watching the rest they are all there lined up for you on the channel! 

The rest of my week went much better with starting with the modifier. My max out times ranged from 7:30-9:52 so I was pretty happy with those for my first week! Like I've said before Shaun T loves him some cardio so this program is definitely a challenge for me. My favorite so far is the Tabata Power workout because its more strength training and it works in intervals of 20 second of work and 10 seconds of rest so my max out times are better on those days than the just straight work for 5 mins before your water break! There are a lot squats, lunges, planks, tricep push-ups, tricep dips, etc so even with the modifier this is an intense program!

Insanity Max 30, 60 day program, beachbody, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, my fitness story, new years resolutions
Sweat Interval Day!

Friday is a workout called Friday Fight Round and this day is a balls to the walls, hold nothing back type of workout. Shaun T gets a little trash talky in this one! You are literally coached through like you are in boxing match and the opponents are all the people on the screen and you PUSH until you can push no harder! #DigDeep 

Insanity Max 30, 60 day program, beachbody, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, motivation, my fitness story, new years resolutions
Get At Me!

All in all, I am seriously loving keeping track of my max out times. I probably would have quit by now if it weren't for the calendar staring at me in the face when I workout. Because I know that by looking at my max out time of 8:25 on my Sweat Interval day I know that I just need to push myself to AT LEAST 8:45 this time and I MAKE MYSELF DO IT! That is the key to this workout and it is SO crazy how much of a mind game it is! I am so excited to see how far I progress over the next 60 days!

If you are interested in trying Insanity Max:30 out for yourself or any of the other programs and joining into my NEWEST challenge group "Solution to Your Resolution" fill out the application below so we can chat!!! 

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Brazil Butt Lift, It's Done!

Okay folks! If you follow me on Facebook you know that I have ended my journey with Leonardo and his Brazil Butt Lift and have moved on the every so vigorous Shaun T and his new program Insanity Max 30. So lets get the run down of my feelings of the program and the ever so popular results!!

As I'm sure I've said before, BBL is a 60 day program that focuses MAINLY on the lower portion of the body as well as the core. What most people don't know is there is also a couple of full body workouts and cardio as well. I will tell you, the Bum Bum workout which is a full body cardio workout STILL kills me and I STILL have to take two breaks in the thirty minute workout. There are 6 different workouts that all range from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. The last two weeks of this program you are supposed to double up on the days so you have to allot about an hour to finish the designated workouts for the day.

So here's my confession: I got bored. I will say that I LOVED the results I was seeing even a few weeks into the program. My butt was gaining volume and my core was getting so strong. But the workouts just really got redundant. That and Leo sounds like Borat to me and after a few weeks I just couldn't listen to him anymore haha! I got to the point where I had done them so many times I memorized the flow of the moves and would mute him and watch my Netflix shows while I worked out. Which worked for me because otherwise I have NO time to catch up on my guilty pleasures like Parenthood, The L Word, and Scandal. So it was a win win for me! But like I said, he might have been annoying to listen to but dude guy KNOWS what works to get you the bikini ready body you want!!

As far as the nutrition went I did enjoy getting to try out some new recipes that come in the recipe book when you buy the program. I did incorporate my 21 Day Fix containers and calorie bracket that I used for that program into this one which I believe really helped me stay on track!  And, of course, I consistently drank my delicious Vegan Chocolate Shakeology every day! :) 

60 day program, beachbody, Brazil Butt Lift, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, my fitness story, transformation
Meal Plan from One of My Weeks

The main thing I loved about this program was it gave me so much more knowledge on how to work different muscles that I never would have thought of before. Its so much more than just doing a bunch of squats. Leonardo has really come up with some amazing new innovated moves that hit all different kinds of angles that not only build up your booty muscles but lifts and chisels them out for you! SO with that said who wants to see some results?!

60 day program, beachbody, Brazil Butt Lift, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, my fitness story, transformation
BBL 60 Day Results

60 day program, beachbody, Brazil Butt Lift, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, my fitness story, transformation
BBL 60 Day Results

Is that some booty I see popping out a bit there?! For someone that has never had a butt before ever I'm pretty content with these results!! But also, check out those triceps! My arms got so toned in this program which was completely unexpected!

So if these results make you want to try it out OR try out another program and be a challenger in my next challenge group starting on January 5th please fill out the application below and we can chat!

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Calling all New Year's Resolutions!

EEEKKK!! Its almost the first of the year! Isn't that SO crazy!! I mean I feel like I blinked on Halloween and all of a sudden we are NINE days from Christmas! WHAT?! 2015 HERE WE COME!!! 

So along with the new year starting did you know the NUMBER ONE resolution people make is to lose weight, get in shape, start working out, eating better; something lead them down the path or looking and feeling healthier and better all around. So what are your options? Join a gym, pay extra for a personal trainer? What if I told you I have the solution for your resolutions that doesn't involve crazy crowded or over priced gyms and personal trainers? All you need is a laptop or DVD player, a little space in the house! 

Let 2015 Be The HEALTHIEST Year!
Let 2015 Be The HEALTHIEST Year!

That's right working out in your OWN home on your OWN time! Seriously, that's all you need. I will provide the motivation, the support, the meal prepping tips, batch cooking tips, everything else you need all in my challenge group to keep you on track to meet those resolutions!!! Just think, no crowds, no fighting people for the machines you want, no having to abide by certain hours, and (my personal favorite) showering in your OWN house afterwards!!! Even better, with the gym you're stuck paying a monthly fee and most places even make you commit to a year or more and charge you to cancel it! What I have for you is a ONE time fee and an AMAZING support system for you to have to get fit and healthy!!

I am seriously SO pumped for this FIRST challenge group of the year, this is going to my new and improved challenge group of 2015!! I have new material to use to help you reach your goals and get in the BEST shape of your life!! Let this year be the LAST year you make those weight loss resolutions!

A few of the spots are already taken so if you are wanting to reserve your spot fill out the application below ASAP!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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Monday, December 1, 2014

Eating Clean: 21 Day Fix Approved Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken

I am loving finding all these new recipes to incorporate into the Fix!! These Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken breasts will account for 1 GREEN (broccoli), 1 BLUE (cheese), and 1 RED (chicken).

21 day fix, 21 day fix dinner, beachbody, budget friendly food, clean eating, clean menu, cooking, diet, dinner, eat clean, good eats, healthy food, lose baby weight, lose weight, meal prepping, portion control
Healthy and Tasty!


*Chicken Breast
*Mozzarella Cheese (shredded)
*Any Seasonings you would like (I used garlic powder, sea salt, lemon pepper, and chili pepper)

1. Slice your chicken breast in half
2. Sprinkle in your mozzarella cheese (if you are doing the fix leave enough to put on the top of the chicken breasts at well.
3. Add in your broccoli.
4. Fold chicken back over and place in a baking dish. Add your seasonings on top of the breasts
5. Bake in the oven at 350 for about 30-35 minutes.

I served my with some sweet potato fries, because lets face it, sweet potato fries are my JAM!