Thursday, December 18, 2014

Brazil Butt Lift, It's Done!

Okay folks! If you follow me on Facebook you know that I have ended my journey with Leonardo and his Brazil Butt Lift and have moved on the every so vigorous Shaun T and his new program Insanity Max 30. So lets get the run down of my feelings of the program and the ever so popular results!!

As I'm sure I've said before, BBL is a 60 day program that focuses MAINLY on the lower portion of the body as well as the core. What most people don't know is there is also a couple of full body workouts and cardio as well. I will tell you, the Bum Bum workout which is a full body cardio workout STILL kills me and I STILL have to take two breaks in the thirty minute workout. There are 6 different workouts that all range from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. The last two weeks of this program you are supposed to double up on the days so you have to allot about an hour to finish the designated workouts for the day.

So here's my confession: I got bored. I will say that I LOVED the results I was seeing even a few weeks into the program. My butt was gaining volume and my core was getting so strong. But the workouts just really got redundant. That and Leo sounds like Borat to me and after a few weeks I just couldn't listen to him anymore haha! I got to the point where I had done them so many times I memorized the flow of the moves and would mute him and watch my Netflix shows while I worked out. Which worked for me because otherwise I have NO time to catch up on my guilty pleasures like Parenthood, The L Word, and Scandal. So it was a win win for me! But like I said, he might have been annoying to listen to but dude guy KNOWS what works to get you the bikini ready body you want!!

As far as the nutrition went I did enjoy getting to try out some new recipes that come in the recipe book when you buy the program. I did incorporate my 21 Day Fix containers and calorie bracket that I used for that program into this one which I believe really helped me stay on track!  And, of course, I consistently drank my delicious Vegan Chocolate Shakeology every day! :) 

60 day program, beachbody, Brazil Butt Lift, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, my fitness story, transformation
Meal Plan from One of My Weeks

The main thing I loved about this program was it gave me so much more knowledge on how to work different muscles that I never would have thought of before. Its so much more than just doing a bunch of squats. Leonardo has really come up with some amazing new innovated moves that hit all different kinds of angles that not only build up your booty muscles but lifts and chisels them out for you! SO with that said who wants to see some results?!

60 day program, beachbody, Brazil Butt Lift, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, my fitness story, transformation
BBL 60 Day Results

60 day program, beachbody, Brazil Butt Lift, challenge groups, get skinny, healthy, lose baby weight, lose weight, my fitness story, transformation
BBL 60 Day Results

Is that some booty I see popping out a bit there?! For someone that has never had a butt before ever I'm pretty content with these results!! But also, check out those triceps! My arms got so toned in this program which was completely unexpected!

So if these results make you want to try it out OR try out another program and be a challenger in my next challenge group starting on January 5th please fill out the application below and we can chat!

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