Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Eating Clean: Chocolate Shakeology Balls

Oh my goodness guys, you have to try these! SO GOOD! Us girls all know around that "special time" of the month we need chocolate. It doesn't matter how good you are the rest of the month, at that moment we need chocolate and we need it NOW!! 

Good news, these delightful treats are not only yummy in all kinds of ways. THEY ARE GOOD FOR YOU! Now I wouldn't recommend eating the whole batch in one sitting, but one or two for a snack will kick those sweet cravings out the door!

budget friendly food, beachbody, clean eating, clean menu, diet, eat clean, good eats, healthy food, healthy life, meal prepping, motivation, shakeology
Chocolate Healthy Treat

So what you're going to need is:
*1 Cup Chocolate Shakeology
*1 Cup Quick Oats
*1 Cup Natural Peanut Butter
*1/3 Cup of Honey

What you're going to do is:
1. Throw all that stuff into a big bowl and mix it up
2. Take about a TBSP of the mixture and roll it into balls
3. Set on foil and chill in the fridge

Bing, baam, boom you got yourself a tasty treat!

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